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Red Dot Sights

Which Red Dot Sight Works the Best? Holosun HS510C Vs. EOTech XPS2 – 0

Holosun HS510C Vs. EOTech XPS2 - 0

There are multiple dot sights at one’s disposal in the market right now. All come with multiple features that claim to work better than others. However, the pressure to choose the best dot sight for hunting expedition remains the same. Red dot sights come in different shapes, sizes, styles, and features. One interesting style of

Which Red Dot Sight Works the Best? Holosun HS510C Vs. EOTech XPS2 – 0 Read More »

Vortex StrikeFire 2 Review: The Most Affordable Red Dot Sight on The Market?

vortex strikefire 2 review_featured_image

There are a lot of budget red dot sight scopes out there. First let’s check out Vortex Strikefire 2 Review. Now, you must be wondering about the difference between the Strikefire 1 and this new range. Well. let me tell you that this model is a little different but you still get the same quality,

Vortex StrikeFire 2 Review: The Most Affordable Red Dot Sight on The Market? Read More »