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How to Use Sniper Scope

How To Use Sniper Scope

The sniper scopes are employed to maximize your precision when aiming by magnifying the image of the long distanced target and show you precisely a reticle where your weapon is being fired.

Using a sniper scope includes the same simple shooting techniques as conventional otherwise “iron sights,” but restores the rearview opening and the front view tip along with a component that mimics the magnifying power of a mini telescope. These small telescopes are mounted on the sniper rifle. 

Thus, the physical processes involved in catching the light from the distant stars is employed to magnify the target and guess the most accurate place to hit the distant target. 

Working of a sniper scope:

How To Use Sniper Scope

First of all, the light is obtained from the lens placed in the scope’s rear end. Typically, this is the larger glass of the scope compared to the rear end where you’re going to position your eye. 

When the light progresses through the tube of a sniper scope, it reaches the focal point in the centre, the point where the light bends to a sole bright point.

The phenomenon of light bending makes it possible to focus on the scope’s eyepiece, situated at the opposite tip of the sniper scope. This gives a magnified picture of what you see at a stretch and magnified, based on the objective lens of the mounted scope.

It takes a lot of training and in-depth guides to become good at using scopes that are specially made for sniper rifles. Here is a short description of how to use the sniper scope:

1. Buy the correct mounting equipment

Many contemporary rifle scopes have whichever pre-drilled and tapped to the base or accompanied with grooved parts attachments used for mounting. Always purchase the hardware for mounting that resembles your scope’s design.  

If your rifle scope needs mounting rings, establish that you buy one such that its inside diameter, fits the inside of the ring. This is because the scope’s body is mounted in the middle of these rings.  

If you are not certain about the mounting equipment you need, you can take the help of the seller. Many a time, the rifles come with a pre-installed scope, they do not need additional attention or accessory for that. 

2. Adjust the reticle, and regulate the eye relief.

The rifle scope’s reticle is the picture that is visible on the scope lens that shows where the gun is pointing. It’s typically across, but there is a range of reticle variants that involve triangles, exes, and several others. 

Along with the loose mounting rings, turn the scope to the limit till the reticle is on the right side or to the point where the cross is perfectly positioned (resembling a plus sign). 

Then, change the distance of the reticle of the scope that is going to be from your eye to make sure it won’t reach you during the recoil.

As a basic rule, mounting the rifle scope forward an inch further than you think is safe to be assured that you will not harm yourself or damage the scope of your fire. You can change the distance later. Ensure that the reticle is visible in your usual firing position.

A lot of scopes will come with an eye relief rating that looks like 3-9x. This means that the right eye relief is between 3 and 9 inches away from the eyepiece. Be highly cautious about that. 

Holding the scope too close to your eye can have the effect of hitting you back when you shoot. If your scope does not offer an eye relief ranking, evaluate it yourself by looking through the scope while it is fixed on the rifle and adjusting it until you get a good vision photo.

3. Get acquainted with the various parts of a rifle scope.

Although there are various manufacturers of rifle sizes, almost all use the same rudimentary components. You should know the name of all the pieces of the riflescope and their function prior to taking your scope out of shooting. 

Typically, the range of rifles includes body, objective lens, eyepiece, shoulder and winding, height, and parallax knobs.

The segment of the scope through which one looks at a target is called the eyepiece. The objective lens magnifies the target. The scope shoulder is the place where the diameter rises to keep the objective lens at its place. 

Winding and raising knobs will shift the reticle up and down and left and right. Parallax knobs are seldom modified and influence the motion of the reticle concerning the target.

4. Assess the magnification level of your scope.

It is possible to evaluate the scope’s strength through the model number. Model numbers of a scope contain two clear elements: the magnification degree and the objective lens’s diameter. 

A scope with a model number of “5 x 40” implies the size of the image tends to be five times greater than the image perceived through a naked eye. The 40 represented the number of millimetres in diameter of the objective reticle of the scope. 

Note that the greater the magnification level, the darker will be the appearance of the target by the lens. This is because of the amount of light passing through the lens. 

The lens with larger-diameter permits extra light to penetrate the scope, rendering the image sharper. The bigger the first model number of your scope, the higher the magnification level it offers. 

Variable-powered scopes would come with model numbers like “5-13 x 33,” which means that you can change the magnification between five and thirteen times.

5. Establish a satisfactory sight Picture

In the absence of a rifle scope, a successful viewing picture requires adjusting the rearview opening alongside the front view tip, but the scope removes the necessity for these kinds of iron sights. 

Rather, a good view picture from a scope includes centring your field of view in the reticle and placing the reticle on top of your target. At the rear end, the view should shape a circle that is precisely centred. 

If one side is comparatively more black than the other, change the weapon till it’s focused. Based on the location of your shooting, it can be challenging to keep a clear picture of your sight. 

Placing a firearm on a platform or with the help of a bipod will stabilize the firearm and allow you to get a clear picture of the sight. Capturing a clear view is more challenging with a high magnification range than with a smaller one.

6. Alter the parallax (if needed)

A few sophisticated scopes enable you to change the parallax of your scope. Parallax is the target acting in your view field as it applies to the reticle as you turn your eye off the middle of your eyepiece. 

A problem with parallax can result in the reticle and the target appearing on dissimilar optical planes. For several years, almost all scopes have had a fixed and fixed parallax as it is unusual to have to be modified and tough to comprehend. 

You won’t need to change the parallax under certain circumstances. You won’t need to change the parallax under certain circumstances. 

To accommodate the parallax, study the target from your scope and make sure the reticle is clear and visible. Shift your head down, up, and to the left and right while you change the parallax of the knob moderately. Continue to change the knob to the point where the reticle begins to shift concerning the goal.


In a nutshell, place the sniper scope on the rifle using either pre-drilled attachments or by drilling the scope of your own rifle.  Next, you have to align the reticle and change it for optimum eye relief. 

Hold the mounting rings in a loose state and revolve the scope to the point where the reticle or the cross is perfectly lined and the reticle is upside down. Then ensure that you have ample space in between the eyepiece and your eyes prior to screwing the mounting rings when you take a look (otherwise you get a black eye).

Fix the winding and elevation change dials based on relative height to the target and wind-based. These buttons will shift the reticle left or right or perpendicular and permit you to make up for the external variables.

Now fiddle with the lens to find your optimal level of magnification. Practice long and short distance shorts with your riflescope. This will help you to find the optimal setting for your scope. This will also make you aware of the mechanics of the scope in the back of your hand.