I’m Eric from Nebraska, the founder of Shrewd Hunter. I have been hunting since I was a child. And now in my mid-30s, I wish to turn my hobby into something I can share with everyone.
Since I was 14, my dad, my brothers and I used to go out on our monthly hunting trips and I learned how important Hard Work, Patience, Attention to Detail, and most importantly, discipline is.
Hunting is a skill that is very difficult to master. But those who manage to do it love it. It teaches you about the world. And that is what I want to bring to you. I am here to use my experience to make things easier for you as my dad did for me.
I have years of background learning, reading, researching, and well hunting is something I look forward to on my weekends! It is an art and I am going to try and test it with gadgets and styles so I can bring the best to you. Making it easier for you and helping you not just hunt but also experience and become a better person!
I am glad you will be joining me on this journey to hunt and grow! Would be glad to hear from you!
Eric Jones